Save Idaho's Wolves from being Slaughtered by a State Emergency Plan!

  • av: White Wolf
  • mottagare: President Obama -Fish and Wildlife Service- Idaho Governor, C.L. "Butch" Otter

Help Save Idaho's wolves! Urge Governor Otter not to sign this bill and ask President Obama and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to challenge the legality of this "Emergency Disaster" action to be used to hunt the state's wolves while ignoring in place federal protections.
Source : Idaho Wolves
The state legislature of Idaho has passed a measure that declares the state's wolves an "Emergency Disaster". This is not what this act was originally intended for. It was set up to be used in the case of a critical situation during an event such as a natural disaster as in the case of a flood or wildfire.
To use this act of an "Emergency Disaster" in the case of allowing the state to hunt it's wolves is just plain wrong. It is being fueled by exaggerated and scientifically unproven claims that the numbers of big game wildlife such as the Elk are being critically reduced by the wolves. This is a transparent and ill conceived attempt to circumvent the federal protection and management of the wolves that is currently in place by the Endangered Species Act.
To allow the state to manipulate a well intended act such as the "Emergency Disaster" plan that was intended to protect it's human population just cannot be allowed to take place. This attempt is a mockery of the use of legislative state power.
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