Save Horses From The Slaughter House Auctions

Many Innocent Arizona Horses are auctioned off and sent to the slaughter houses in Mexco where they are burtily mistreated befor they have to dies they use the horsemeat most of the horses are still young six years of age and younger. They showed this on Chanel 3 News last night and I can get the terrible horrible scenes from my mind. Please help congress fight for their lives. Many thought they were going to good homes instead the are suffering at the hands of slaughter houses. This practice needs to be outlawed and end this beautiful horses suffering forever. Adopt them if you can the rescue places can only do much for them they have rights too. Defend these poor helpless horses today.
Arizona congress make it illigal to have Horse Slaughter House Actions in this state and outlaw the sales of these Horses To Mexco.
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