Get rid of animal abuse on Youtube

There has been an increasing number of animal abuse videos appearing on youtube.

Videos include baiting videos (animal fighting, tank baiting, etc), illegal use of weaponry (knives, pellet guns, firearms, cross bows, etc) to main and torture both domestic and wild animals, use of pest control devices to inflict cruelty on both wild and domestic animals for sick titillation, the list is endless.

There is an alarming number of tank baiting videos where pets (rabbits, hamsters, rats, mice etc - not in anyway the natural diet of the captive animal) are fed alive to captive wild animals such as snapping turtles, snakes, bass, etc. for sick titillation. Both animals are being abused, the wild animals should not be taken from the wild and incarcerated in a small tank and the small pets should not be tortured to death for tank baiting. If it were educational the footage would be of animals in the wild consuming their natural diet (which is definitely not small pet animals) with no captive baiting involved.

Many tank baiting videos have been flagged by hundreds of concerned you tube users yet these illegal animal abuse videos have not been removed.

By allowing these videos Youtube is encouraging illegal activity and promoting animal cruelty.

Youtube needs to enact good practice by banning these videos and removing all of them. We the undersigned herby call on Youtube to stop promoting animal cruelty and to remove all the animal abuse videos.

Note: animal cruelty awareness campaign videos obviously do not fall under this category and should not be banned. There is an obvious difference between charity campaign awareness videos and animal abuse videos posted purely for titillation.

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