Ban the sale of dolphin meat

Japan has a new Minister of State for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety, Ms. Mizuho Fukushima. At a recent press conference held in Tokyo, Ms. Fukushima agreed to investigate whether eating dolphin and whale meat causes mercury poisoning in humans.  
Now a study has been released that shows that residents in the fishing village of Taiji have 10 times the normal amount of mercury in their system.  Please join us in asking Ms. Fukushima to ban the sale of poisonous dolphin and whale meat. 
We the undersigned respectfully ask that you please prevent any further damage to the health of the Japanese people by banning the sale of dolphin and whale meat immediately. Scientific studies have demonstrated that dolphin and whale meat is highly polluted with organic mercury and other toxic substances. The contamination are from methyl mercury, mercury, PCB, and other poisons. It is apparent that whale and dolphin meat is not fit for human consumption. 

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. 
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