Glue Traps Slowly Murder Animals As They Starve or Suffocate. Ban Them Now!

Glue traps are a popular way to stop mice and other animals from visiting inside humans' homes. But they're also incredibly cruel and cause slow, terrible deaths for small animals.

That's why the UK government chose to ban glue traps for mice and rats in 2022. This is a victory worthy of celebrating - and worthy of repeating in other countries, too! The U.S. government must also decide to ban glue traps!

The flat, sticky boards are covered in a glue so strong, it holds fast against animals' skin and fur the moment they touch its surface. Desperate, frightened, and struggling to escape, the animals often sustain injuries. But since they can't move, they're forced to just lay there, enduring agony until they die.

Usually the animals slowly suffocate in the substance or starve to death.

There are so many other, more humane ways to handle unwanted visitors - including deterrence. When people resort to setting out glue traps, they're saying they're willing to subject sentient creatures to horrific pain and agony, rather than taking other steps.

Yet the practice of using sticky glue traps has become extremely normalized. That's why government action is necessary to reverse this sad trend. The U.S. government should ban the use of these horrific products, ban companies from producing them, and ban stores from selling them.

Sign the petition now to tell the U.S. Congress: follow in the UK's lead! Ban cruel, inhumane glue traps now!
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