Dozens of Baby Parrots Were Saved from Cruel Traffickers! We Must Protect Other Animals, Too!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Authorities with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently recovered and rescued over two dozen unhatched parrot eggs in Florida. These eggs, stolen from the Amazon by wildlife traffickers and left orphaned and homeless, were an extremely rare breed of parrot. Yet of the 29 eggs, only 24 survived.

Sign now to tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to invest in public education about the consequences of wildlife trafficking!

Luckily, conservation zoologists at Florida International University are providing amazing care for the surviving birds, who are now fully feathered. But given the circumstances, none of the birds are good candidates for repatriation and release, meaning they will likely never see their wild native habitat again. We must educate the public about the risks of wildlife trafficking to prevent incidents like this from happening again in the future!

This was one of the largest parrot-smuggling busts in recent years, and is a tragic reminder of just how damaging wildlife trafficking can be. These birds will never get to return to their natural habitat, and are lucky to even be alive.

We must protect all parrots, and to do so, the USFWS should invest in public education about the consequences of wildlife trafficking. Sign the petition to protect other endangered and wild species now!
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