Took a trip to Asda NG7 lately? Or do you avoid it like the rest of us? -
Working alongside ASDA NG7 here we have a petition put in place..
With the high inflation of homeless this brings a higher amount of those on the street. As you know the majority who are drug users are gathered around the entrance: begging money from those who have currently spent.
Approaching those pulling up in the car park of ASDA to corner them in the car whilst they ask for change.
I don't know about you.. but this needs to stop.
The community are effected by the approach of said individuals. Alongside ASDA: who are loosing a considerable amount of custom due to the harassment on their way in and out of the supermarket.

If we reach the target amount. If we get to amount of signatures required. If we express our demand for change.
The council will shift and ensure they do not return.

Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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