Woman Flushed Her Live Hamster Down Airport Toilet

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Miami-Dade Animal Services, Animal Cruelty Unit
A 21-year-old woman intended to take her emotional support hamster, Pebbles, on a domestic flight. She even called Spirit Airlines to be sure it was ok and was given the go ahead. Then when she arrived, a Spirit Airlines employee reportedly told her it couldn't come on the flight and she should flush it down the toilet.

AND SHE DID IT! This woman flushed a live animal, which she claimed was her emotional support animal, down the toilet. Sign the petition if you think she should be investigated for animal cruelty.

I get that she was scared and young and didn't have family or friends close by. But having an emotional support animal myself, I know that they loyalty they show to you must be returned. This hamster must have died a horrific death.

Please join me in calling for an investigation into her actions.
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