Save The PropHouse Cafe for Arts & Culture

  • av: Ross Judge
  • mottagare: Musicians, Poets, Writers, Photographers, Film Makers, Teachers, Cultural Organizations, Canadian Governments

The Proprietor is a Canadian First Nations that had a dream to build a home for arts & culture for All Nations of Peoples. Opened in 2009, the PropHouse Cafe has been supporting Musicians, Poets, Writers, Photographers, Film Makers, Student Recitals, School Shows, Cultural Organizations and many other types of Artists. 

We are being forced out of our current home, as the landlord does not support us anymore. We make to much noise, and he lives above the cafe.

If you like the PropHouse Cafe, and would like to see us find a new home where we can continue to offer a unique Vancouver original Arts & Culture space for all nationalities of people, then PLEASE SIGN this petition.

I am going to apply to the Federal Government through my First Nations status for funding to get our own building - YOUR SIGNATURE COULD HELP IN THEIR DECISION 

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