This Pet Store Truly Puts Animals First. Petco and PetSmart Must Do the Same!

An adorable viral tweet has reminded Chewy pet store customers of why they love the brand.

An Alaskan customer whose beloved dog had just died wrote to Chewy asking if they could return an unopened bag of dog food. Chewy's customer service not only gave this mourning pet owner a full refund, they also encouraged the customer to donate the food to a local shelter.

Then, incredibly, the company went above and beyond that. It had flowers delivered to the person who had just lost their furry friend, along with a personalized gift note.

Sign now to demand Petco and PetSmart follow in Chewy's footsteps and commit to wonderful customer service, including refunding borders and asking buyers to donate incorrect or unneeded items!

In the scenario described in the tweet, everyone wins: the local shelter receives free food, the customer receives the support they need after losing a pet, and the company maintains an awesome reputation which will produce more brand loyalty.

Meanwhile, Petco and PetSmart are the two largest pet store chains in the United States. They each earn upwards of $6 billion in revenue each year.

There is no reason for Petco and PetSmart to not follow in Chewy's footsteps and commit to caring customer service, including encouraging folks to donate unneeded or incorrect items!

Sign the petition now if you agree!
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