SeaWorld: Stop Using Tilikum & Use Resources to Find Him a Good Home

Tilikum is a bull orca that is used to spending his life with his mom. He has instead lived a life of slavery. He has killed 3 trainers so far and has been used as nothing more than a sperm unit so SeaWorld can keep orcas in shows. This is not a life for an orca. We know that now and so does SeaWorld.

This is a well-documented issue. See movie, "Blackfish" or read "Death At SeaWorld" by Kirby, David.

Dear Mr. Atchison At SeaWorld,

Please do what is best for Tilikum and put resources towards giving him a peaceful life or what is left of it. Has he not given your company enough dead children and grandchildren. (Let's not forget the working live ones.)

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