Six Dogs Were Found Dead at an Alleged Dog Breeder's Home

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Chatham County Sheriff's Office

In a shocking case of neglect in Chatham County, over 40 dogs were seized from a property, revealing a heartbreaking scene of suffering and mistreatment. The disturbing discovery included dogs in various states of distress, with six tragically found dead. These innocent animals endured dehydration, parasites, severe matting, malnutrition, and more, painting a grim picture of animal cruelty that demands immediate action.

Demand the animal abuser receive a lifetime ban on animal ownership.

To make matters worse, a dog-breeding service was allegedly being operated out of the same address.

The Chatham Animal Resource Center is currently caring for the surviving dogs, and similar organizations need our support to rehabilitate and rehome these innocent victims.

The plight of the dogs in Chatham County is a stark reminder of the cruelty animals can face behind closed doors. It's time for our community and legal system to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves, ensuring that all animals are treated with compassion and respect. 

Sign the petition to demand a lifetime ban on animal ownership!

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