Demand stronger wellfare laws in New Zealand to protect the animals

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: New Zealand Government Officials

New Zealand is proposing to make changes to their animal welfare laws; regulations that are far overdue!!! We need to encourage and demand some radical changes to their animal welfare legislation that will be presented on the table in Auckland within a few days!

Finally, these new laws will call for stronger penalties and punishment for animal abusers.  These new regulations are imperative for the New Zealand animal welfare. Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy and other MPs are expected to attend the event, stated that "we haven't really ever had a conference where we've been able to get into the detail of what animals really need in an animal welfare act."

Further radical changes to the animal welfare act is to enforce responsibilities of pet and animal owners so they understand and provide for their needs, improve practices and adopt better technology, if necessary, and address animal welfare issues early before problems occur.

The obvious and clear responsibility of the New Zealand Government through the animal welfare changes is to set and update minimum regulations and standards to the animal welfare act to enforce proper care of animals.   Please sign and share, share, share this petition in an effort to encourage and promote these radical changes in the New Zealand Animal Welfare Act.  Such changes will endorse better care of animals and prevent animal abuse and cruelty!  Your help is greatly appreciated through continual support.

New Zealand Government Officials - Laws need to be changed to promote stronger animal welfare laws.  Please update the Animal Welfare Act to include radical changes that will encourage better treatment of animals while enforcing more stringent punishment for those guilty of animal abuse, cruelty and abandonment!  Such changes will endorse better care of animals and prevent animal abuse and cruelty

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