Stop Animal Testing At Bristol-Myers Squibb

Just five months after a lab monkey was boiled alive in a testing lab belonging to the New York-based pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb -- the monkey had been left locked in its cage which was then submerged in scalding water for cleaning -- the company has received another citation from the USDA for abuse of animals. Back in December, a second crab-eating macaque died in the company's New Brunswick facility, after being restrained and left unattended.
Stop Animal Exploitation Now (SAEN) filed a complaint against Bristol-Myers with the USDA after reports of the monkey killed in its cage surfaced in January. As SAEN's executive director Michael Budkie says, "One primate death, you could attribute to a fluke, but when you start to see multiple primate deaths within the same facility, this becomes what can only be described as a pattern of negligence."
Tell Bristol-Myers Squibb to stop animal testing now!
We, the undersigned, demand that Bristol-Myers Squibb immediately stop using animals in its testing labs. Just five months after a lab monkey was boiled alive in a testing lab belonging to the New York-based pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb -- the monkey had been left locked in its cage which was then submerged in scalding water for cleaning -- the company has received another citation from the USDA for abuse of animals. Back in December, a second crab-eating macaque died in the company's New Brunswick facility, after being restrained and left unattended.
Stop Animal Exploitation Now (SAEN) filed a complaint against Bristol-Myers with the USDA after reports of the monkey killed in its cage surfaced in January. As SAEN's executive director Michael Budkie says, "One primate death, you could attribute to a fluke, but when you start to see multiple primate deaths within the same facility, this becomes what can only be described as a pattern of negligence."
We request that Bristol-Myers Squibb stop using animals in its testing labs. Animals suffer unnecessary and terrible abuses in such testing and it is imperative that Bristol-Myers Squibb end such inhumane and cruel practises.
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