Protect Bumble Bees As An Endangered Species; They Are In Danger Of Extinction

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Interior Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to save the endangered bumble bee from extinction. In recent years, their numbers have declined drastically, causing concern among environmentalists. We need to encourage the US Department of the Interior to do more to protect the Bumble Bee through the energies of this petition.

As much as most of us fear the infamous stinger of a bumble bee, their existence is imperative for the environment and its beauty. It is sad that they are now listed among the endangered species. The rusty patched bumble bee, common throughout the USA is now found in fewer and fewer areas as urbanization and agriculture reshape their traditional habitat on the Midwestern prairies.Some believe that the dwindling in population is due to disease, habitat destruction and pesticides.

Bumble bees pollinate a wide variety of plants and crops and are used commercially by farmers to help grow tomatoes in greenhouses. Diseases may have been picked up from non-native bees brought in by tomato producers. Environmentalists speculate that the common species of bumble bee has dropped by about 95 percent. Another species known as the Hawaiian yellow-faced bee is also being considered endangered. Honey bees, which are different from bumble bees and are widely used in agricultural production, have also experienced significant die-offs. Without change, the bumble bee, all varieties, will be on the extinct, endangered lists, putting nature and our natural beauty in danger.

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to save the endangered bumble from extinction. In recent years, their numbers have declined drastically, causing concern among environmentalists. We need to encourage the US Department of the Interior to do more to protect the Bumble Bee through the energies of this petition.


Interior Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - You need to consider the efforts and concerns presented in this and other petitions regarding the endangered bumble bees. These endangered species need to be more federally protected. Please do more to save these amazing creatures from culprits of the chemical industry such as the use of pesticides, parasites and other harmful factors. Save the bumble bees from endangerment and extinction.       

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