Petition to Transition Foerter Farm to an Organic Farm

This is a petition for the town of East Brunswick to lease Foerter Farm which is located on Riva Avenue, East Brunswick, to an organic farmer. Today, this farm is in the process of a joint purchase by the town of East Brunswick and Middlesex County. Conventional or Integrated Pest Management (IPM) farming systems would allow for continued use of manufactured herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. There are currently low levels of pesticide contamination that has built up over the years of farming this land. This has resulted in a high price for remediation.  If an organic farmer is set up to work the land, she/he can start out growing crops as "transitional organic" which will over a 3 year period complete the transition to Organically Certified Farm.

Sign the petition today to urge the East Brunswick Town Council to transition the Foerter Farm to an organic farm. 

Dear East Brunswick Town Council,

We are asking for the town of East Brunswick to lease Foerter Farm to an organic farmer. If an organic farmer is set up to work the land, she/he can start out growing crops as "transitional organic" which will over a 3 year period complete the transition to Organically Certified Farm. 

 An organic farm will help create more sustainable environment,  a stronger economy, and will supply fresh, good-tasting food that results in better nutritional health in our community. 

The staff at  the Northeast Organic Farmers Association (NOFA-NJ)  is a resource that the town council can contact with any questions on organic farmland care and can also help with acquiring an organic farmer to lease the land.  NOFA-NJ can be contacted by calling 908-371-1111.

Please show your support for locally produced organic foods by leasing the Foerter farm to an organic farmer.

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