Stop the Cruelty of Fox and Coyote Penning

  • av: Nyack Clancy
  • mottagare: North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory

Fox Penning is a cruel blood-sport that is legal in North Carolina, along with 19 other states.  Foxes and coyotes suffer everyday especially during hunting season from repeated acts of cruelty which involve them being trapped, captured, and then put into pens where hunting dogs are used to fight and maul them to death.

Foxes are captured and traded across state lines to be thrown into a pen with no way to escape while they are chased, hunted down, and ripped apart by hounds.

We ask North Carolina to ban this barbarically cruel blood-sport.


Fox Penning is a cruel blood-sport that is legal in North Carolina, along with 19 other states.  Foxes and coyotes suffer everyday especially during hunting season from repeated acts of cruelty which involve them being trapped, captured, and then put into pens where hunting dogs are used to fight and maul them to death.

Foxes are captured and traded across state lines to be thrown into a pen with no way to escape while they are chased, hunted down, and ripped apart by hounds.

We ask North Carolina to ban this barbarically cruel blood-sport.


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