Stop Commercial Development on Calloway and Snow

    We, the undersigned residents, OPPOSE the commercial development at Snow and Calloway.
    For the following reasons:

    1. This parcel of land was rezoned from residential to C2 commercial which has now placed a gas station in close proximity to Norris Middle School AND the new elementary school set to open in 2020.

    2. This will greatly increase traffic in an already dense traffic area and directly impact our children walking to/from school and to/from their bus stops.

    3. The traffic study done by developers started at 4:30pm, well after school hours. Thus giving a very singular view of traffic in the area.

    4. The development will feature a 24 hour mini mart that will sell alcohol and a variety of tobacco including e-cigarettes and vape juices with flavors targeting adolescence. This is a direct threat to the health of students of both schools.

    5. The developers only projected a 2% growth rate for the coming years. This is a very conservative estimate based on the in depth study done by Norris School District. They have projected a growth increase closer to 10% leading to the planning of a 6th elementary school (2023) and a second middle school (2025) for the district.

    Please sign the petition to appeal the approval of this development project.
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