CHARGE Police officer who left Dog in Car to Die of Heat

  • av: Jana DiCarlo
  • mottagare: Hallie S. Dixon, District Attorney of Baldwin District County

A dog died because his police partner left him in a hot car.  What kind of message is it sending - allowing him to get away with this negligent act?

When Officer Josh Coleman attended a police conference, he made a conscious decision to leave his dog in the car for a majority of the time he was there. Although the officer took his dog to the vet after he realized it had been in the car too long, his excuse claiming he simply “forgot” to check on his dog is pathetic.

Because Officer Coleman “forgot” to check on his companion, the dog endured painful amounts of suffering that was only relieved by death the next day. Not bringing up this man on charges after he clearly committed an act of animal abuse is inexcusable and is just as unacceptable as Officer Coleman saying he didn’t check on his dog because he “forgot” the animal was in the car.

For these reasons, I urge you to strongly suggest to the police department that Officer Coleman be brought up on animal cruelty charges. While it may be true that he honestly didn’t remember to check on his dog, any other citizen would likely not get away with giving the same argument to either an officer or the court.

Charge him with criminal negligence causing death !!

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