Help Get Every County In The USA To Create An Animal Cruelty Task Force!

  • av: Eric Rardin
  • mottagare: Every single County Sheriff in the USA

"One Florida county has created a new animal cruelty task force that will educate residents on animal abuse and neglect, as well as enforce all laws involving the mistreatment of animals," reported ABC.

Don't you think every county in the USA should follow their lead? Add your name right now.

"The News-Press reported that Lee County in Southwest Florida will work with the county's Domestic Animal Services and their veterinarians, as well as the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers.

"Sheriff's detectives will be assigned to the task force and investigate all misdemeanor and felony animal abuse cases within the county.

"Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers Coordinator Trish Routte said its role is to be a conduit for information from the community to the investigators on the task force.

"In some cases, people aren't intentionally hurting animals, so animal services officers educate them so the animals are better cared for," according to the same source.

How do you judge a society?

By how the treat their most vulnerable members.

And in our world, few are as vulnerable, helpless and defenseless as animals.

That's why it's so important to make sure that every county in the country has an animal cruelty task force like the trailblazing county in Florida.

"The link between animal abuse and human abuse is clear and frightening," Sheriff Carmine Marceno said in a news release.

""In addition to protecting defenseless animals, addressing animal cruelty will likely prevent future acts of violence against people in our county"," said the same source.

This petition is asking every single County Sheriff in the USA to start an animal cruelty task force.

Don't you want to take strong action to protect animals from their abusers, once and for all?

Then add your name to ask every single County Sheriff across the United States to do the right thing and create an animal cruelty task force to educate local citizens and enforce the law to protect animals from abuse!

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