Demand the Ivy Leagues end their legacy admission programs for rich and powerful kids!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Ivy League admissions offices

With the end of the affirmative action programs at major universities, many were quick to point out that not *all* affirmative action programs were affected — just the ones uplifting disenfranchised minority groups. The special treatment for the scions of the rich and the wealth — legacy admissions — is of course still alive and well.

According to Lawyers for Civil Rights, nearly 70 percent of Harvard's donor-related and legacy applicants are white, and they receive a substantial boost based on their status. Donor-related applicants are nearly seven times more likely to be admitted than non-donor-related applicants, and legacies are nearly six times more likely to be admitted

End legacy admissions ASAP!

Legacy admissions are nothing but institutionalized nepotism, allowing the spoiled scions of the rich and famous to coast their way through life while more deserving, hard-working students are left out in the cold — and to make matters worse, these institutions receive huge sums of taxpayer dollars.

Every student deserves an equal chance at attending a top school, and legacy admissions simply maintain the concentration of wealth, power, and influence in a privileged few instead of making those opportunities available to all.

Demand the Ivy Leagues end their legacy admission programs for rich and powerful kids!

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