My baby girl was seized on Thursday morning, 11th August 2016, from her loving home where she was laying peacefully, not harming a fly. The police said that they had to take her due to her looking "pit bull type". They've left nothing but a broken home - everyone is missing her so much! We haven't been able to eat properly where we are so worried. My nieces have been crying their eyes out asking what Honey has done wrong for her to be taken away. We have LOTS of videos and photos if they need to see how friendly she is with children and people, even strangers! She'll wag her tail and give them a lick on the chops!! Miss you SOOOO much Honey, words just cannot describe how hurt we all are. You're best friend, Gucci the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, is here waiting for you to come home too - she's missing you LOADS!

Please, please can we get enough support as we can to get our baby back where she belongs? The policeman in charge has been so good, saying that there's no reason why we shouldn't win her back when it's taken to court, how friendly she's been etc - she's just missing her home now and her family. SHE doesn't know why she's been seized! It's SO wrong this law and needs to change! Ban bad owners, NOT good dogs!! :'(

Please EVERYONE sign and share Honey's petition to support us in getting Honey back as soon as possible. Many thanks in advance, Jon xx

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