Urge Air France to Stop Transporting Primates for Research

Thousands of monkeys originating in countries such as Mauritius, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Barbados as transported by Air France to Europe and the USA to research laboratories to suffer cruel and inhumane experiments.

They are ripped from their family groups, packed into small wooden crates and travel as cargo in the holds on passenger airlines where they can endure inadequate ventilation, noise, temperature fluctuations and delays en route as they are shipped on extremely long journey for research experiments.

Air France is now the only major European passenger airline still engaged in the cruel trade of transporting primates for research. Urge Air France to stop transporting primates for research.

SOURCE:  http://eceae.org/en/what-we-do/campaigns/say-no-to-air-france/pledge

Air France-KLM

CEO Jean-Cyril Spinetta

Fondation d'entreprise Air France
45 rue de Paris
95747 Roissy CDG Cedex
Phone : + 33.(0)
Fax : +33.(0)
E-mail: mail.fondationaf@airfrance.fr

Thousands of monkeys originating in countries such as Mauritius, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Barbados as transported by Air France to Europe and the USA to research laboratories to suffer cruel and inhumane experiments.

They are ripped from their family groups, packed into small wooden crates and travel as cargo in the holds on passenger airlines where they can endure inadequate ventilation, noise, temperature fluctuations and delays en route as they are shipped on extremely long journey for research experiments.

Air France is now the only major European passenger airline still engaged in the cruel trade of transporting primates for research. Urge Air France to stop transporting primates for research.

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