Take Melissa Bachman Off the Air!

  • av: Thor
  • mottagare: The Pursuit Channel, DirecTV, Dish Network

"Hardcore" hunter Melissa Bachman recently posted a photo to her social media profiles of herself in front of a mature lion that she shot in South Africa. This is just the most recent of her public photos of cruel and unnecessary trophy hunting of defenseless animals. It's repulsive and we must stop it!

Bachman is the host of a TV series called "Winchester Deadly Passion" on the Pursuit Channel. The website says, "Her hunts are heart pounding and adrenaline packed, plus she's taken some world-class animals along the way."

Trophy hunting is despicable and counters any efforts of conservation. These photos represent Bachman's complete disrespect for nature and we do NOT want her influencing our children and being promoted by TV networks.

Please sign this petition today demanding that The Pursuit Channel remove Melissa Bachman from the programming lineup. We will also be sending these letters to Dish Network and DirecTV, telling them that this programming has no place in their service.

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