Stop the Brutal Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji, Japan!

Dolphins are amazing animals. Please sign this petition.
- dolphins are empathetic, social & self-aware creatures
- eating dolphin meat is not considered a delicacy in Japan
- dolphin meat contains high levels of toxic Mercury and other poisons that are being fed to people in Japan
- dolphins belong in the open ocean with their pods and families, not captive or slaughtered
- this slaughter is extremely inhumane and brutal

Around 23,000 dolphins are killed year round because of humans. In Taiji, Japan, fishermen round up and slaughter an average of 1,800 dolphins and other small whales each year. Entire pods and schools of dolphins are driven into a hidden cove after a prolonged chase. Once they are trapped inside the cove, the fishermen kill the dolphins, slashing their throats with knives or stabbing them with spears. The water turns red with their blood, and the air fills with their screams. This is what is happening in our world today and it must stop.

Some of the dolphins are picked out by parks who have dolphin shows and swim-with-dolphin programs. The dolphin trainers themselves (who claim they love dolphins), pick out the dolphins they want while the unwanted dolphins are being slaughtered literally right next to them in the water.

Please sign this petition to help stop the Taiji dolphin slaughter.
We have to save our animals on this planet, no one else will do it... and this is where I'm starting. Please help, too. We CAN stop this together.

Uppdatera #39 år sedan
Thank you again for signing the petition to end the brutal dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan!
On October 16, 2015 in London, England, Ric O'Barry will be at the Japanese Embassy from 12-6pm to put efforts in to end this brutal act. The more people, the better! If you can or if you are near this location, please help out! We need to stop this!!
Thank you.
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
Since September first, there have been three red cove days in Taiji. A pod of bottle nose dolphins was caught on September 19, 2015. Moments earlier before their capture, they were swimming free in the ocean. 75-80 dolphins were captured that day. 50 of them were pulled away from their family forever for a life of captivity. The other 30 (around 30), remaining were released back into the open ocean.

Share, please. Thank you.
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Hello! We appreciate you signing the petition to Stop the Brutal Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji, Japan.

So far since the beginning of September, there has been two red cove days. Two days too many.
Please share the petition where ever you possibly can to help spread the word about the events happening in Taiji, Japan and help put end end to this horrific act.

Thank you very much.
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