Enforce Stronger Forces Against Elephant And Rhino Poaching in Zimbabwe and Tanzania

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Washington Political & Military Elites, Zimbabwe & Tanzanian Embassies

Please sign and share this petition worldwide on all media sites in support of our continued efforts to stop the poaching and animal trafficking of elephants and Rhinos throughout African nations like Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Politicians in Washington and other military elites are making efforts in stopping ivory poaching, according to a nonprofit research group’s report that examines government collusion in wildlife trafficking.

Elephant and Rhinoceros populations were large compared to other countries but the country seems to continue to turn to ivory poaching and removing of rhino horns as a source of monetary gain. When asked about these reports, Zimbabwe’s embassy in Washington did not respond to a request for comment. The problem is continual. The full report and efforts of animal advocacy groups can be viewed further by reading -  http://theadvocate.com/news/8960939-123/elephants-endangered-by-land-grabs.

Animal trafficking and poaching has exploded into an illicit global economy monopolized by mafia-like syndicates and enabled by high-level bureaucrats and powerful business interests. Such practices are a toxic combination of conflict, crime and failures of governance throughout Africa that threatens to wipe out the continent’s dwindling elephant and rhino herds.The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service this month signaled its worries about the future of Zimbabwe’s herds in a decision blocking the importation of African elephant trophies taken in Zimbabwe during 2014. If more is not done now, Zimbabwe and, in fact, Tanzania could become poaching hot spots with little warning.

Some efforts to stop animal trafficking and poaching of elephants and rhinos includes a plan that outlines a “whole of government approach” to include working with other countries to increase the number of investigations and arrests, using high-tech gear to identify poaching hot spots, and targeting the bank accounts of wildlife traffickers and the corrupt bureaucrats who assist them. Efforts are to focus on such areas of Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Sudan, and Kenya. These are areas where poachers move across borders with near impunity, slaughter elephants with complete disregard, and use the ivory to fund violent operations across the continent. Global leaders cannot stand by while the human tragedy and poaching crisis continue.

Please sign and share this petition worldwide on all media sites in support of our continued efforts to stop the poaching and animal trafficking of elephants and Rhinos throughout African nations like Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Politicians in Washington and other military elites are making efforts in stopping ivory poaching, according to a nonprofit research group’s report that examines government collusion in wildlife trafficking.


Washington Political & Military Elites, Zimbabwe & Tanzanian Embassies – Please continue your efforts to put an end to the elephant and rhino poaching and animal trafficking that are still carrying out in various areas of Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Sudan, and Kenya. Stricter laws need to be implemented with serious consequences for anyone who violates them. Join with the animal advocacy groups in protecting these animals from slaughter and poaching and preserve the numbers of elephants and rhinos throughout all of Africa, surviving happily in their own habitat. Engage more people in monitoring and controlling any illegal acts of poaching and animal trafficking.

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