Release Ganga from the Gangaramaya Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka.

This petition has been reopened.

Ganga is an approximately 12 year old temple elephant living at the Gangaramaya Temple in Colombo, Sri Lanka. She was stolen as a baby from her mother in the wild. The temple then forged her papers and she has been held illegally ever since. She now spends her life chained with very little room to move. Two years ago there was a court order issued for her to be removed from the temple, however due to corruption, she was never removed. A court date was set to hear her case, but again due to corruption, it has been delayed over and over again. We are asking the president of Sri Lanka to intervene and uphold the court order and remove her from the temple and release her to a sanctuary. 

In the picture above, she is sleeping while chained in her own urine and excrement. This is absolutely disgraceful!

A video is available on Youtube, capturing Ganga being abused. The title is "Sri Lanka Gangaramaya Temple Elephant being mistreated"

Uppdatera #58 år sedan
Hello, In February, an order was filed by the courts, demanding the head monk of the Gangaramaya Temple, Podi Hamuduruwo, to release Ganga, who would then be put in protective custody. The corruption in Sri Lanka involving monks, politicians, and the legal system, runs deep, and orders to remove her have been ignored or overturned. There is now a Facebook page dedicated to her, called Justice for Baby Ganga. Please visit and like the page. This is the final update. Thank you so much.
Uppdatera #48 år sedan
Hello, I apologize for not sending an update sooner. There is now a court case for Ganga, which will be heard on February 10th. I will update you as soon as I know the final outcome. I only have one more update after this one. If you are on Facebook, we have a page called Help Temple Elephants in India and Sri Lanka. We will be posting updates there, along with info about other temple elephants like Ganga. This petition will be presented to the Sri Lankan government in early February.
Uppdatera #39 år sedan
Hello, as you may know the emails to both the Minister and Deputy Minister of Tourism and Sports, who handle captive elephant issues, are being returned because their mailboxes are full. You can also send emails to the President, Maithripala Sirisena, and to the Gangaramaya Temple where Ganga lives at Thanks!
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
Hello, just wanted you to know that we have someone in Sri Lanka who will be hand delivering the petition in about a month. If you would like, you can also send emails to the main officials who will be receiving the petitions, expressing your concern for Ganga. The Minister of Tourism and Sports, Navin Dissanayake and The Deputy Minister of Tourism and Sports, Vasantha Senanayake Thank you!
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Hello, just wanted you to know that we have someone in Sri Lanka who will be hand delivering the petition in about a month. If you would like, you can also send emails to the main officials who will be receiving the petitions, expressing your concern for Ganga. The Minister of Tourism and Sports, Navin Dissanayake and The Deputy Minister of Tourism and Sports, Vasantha Senanayake Thank you!
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