Demand a stop to the Telstra Mobile tower on Ocean Shores Country Club Now!

Telstra has negotiated with the Board of the Ocean Shores Country Club to erect an 8M Mobile base station within metres of the swimming Pool, used by children and Bowling Greens.

No one can guarantee the long term affect of Electromagnetic Radiation. This is in the same category as smoking, asbestos and lead poisoning? The club plans to receive a puny sum for risking the future viability of the club and the health and safety of members, guests and club staff.

Before the Board finally signs off we need to tell Aurecon and Telstra we do not want this tower and we want a vote by all interested members.

Uppdatera #54 år sedan
Reminder - It is time to write to to submit your reasons that this tower must not proceed. I will also be sending this partition to her. Thank you all for help by giving your support. Also tell - Another tower will further repel members, is incongruent with vision to be environmentally friendly, dent future finances, is socially irresponsible, those few members it helps will always support the club, the precautionary principal must be upheld.
Uppdatera #44 år sedan
The has not replied to the question - Has an agreement been signed? The decision rests with Telstra. To stop this you MUST email by 9th with your objection. You must give a reason. Eg environment, long term health risk, OSCC viability, visual pollution, within 500 metres of Kidz school (Kidz club), mobile reception is currently excellent and 4G, it's about data not reception.
cc GM express dissatisfaction with lack of open consultation
Uppdatera #34 år sedan
The Chairman of the OSCC Board told me that there will be no open forum or chance to vote. He said they are undertaking community consultation and they will decide. But based on what? the fifty who showed up or the 3150 who did and by default approve.

You must all express your concern to Ian Wills that this issue is too important environmentally, health wise and amenity impact and must go to a vote It is the right thing to do.
Uppdatera #24 år sedan
We need many more signatures.

Please share and ask others to share.

Please come to the OSCC tomorrow between 3:00-6:00pm to ask questions of Telstra.

Unless more prople object to the Board of OSCc this proposal will be simply rubber stamped.
Uppdatera #14 år sedan
We are off and running. Thank you for sharing keep reminding everyone to share.

You don't need to be on Facebook.
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