Stop Indian Railways from killing elephants

The Indian Railways has tracks running through wildlife sanctuaries and forests with numerous wild animals, however these tracks have no provisions for corridors to allow the animals free movement throughout the forests. This, and the rampant deforestation and constant political unrest in east India means that animals are becoming increasingly vulnerable.

Very often elephants in the forests of east India are run down by trains speeding through the forests. Incidents include trains killing 5, 6 and even 7 elephants at a time, by crushing them with the trains. Furthermore, there have been cases in which elephants have been trapped on the train tracks, and instead of forest officials rescuing the elephants or any alarms being rung, trains have killed these elephants.

Transport is important, understood, but so is wildlife. India is very diverse in its flora and fauna and it is a shame that we cannot be more careful about it. Simple regulations, such trains slowing down when in forest areas, constructing corridors, building fences along tracks, and building new tracks that do not move through areas of forests that are densely populated with wildlife, will go miles in protecting these already endangered species. 

The website of Indian railways writes, "India has some of the most spectacular and unforgettable rail journeys in the world. Here you experience a simple way to find out everything you need to know in one easy place. There's no better way to enjoy India's outback, cities, coastal towns and regional areas in comfort." Killing wildlife seems counterproductive.

The killing of these elephants is mass slaughter and genocide, and measures should be taken to prevent such atrocities from happening again.

Let us not lose our humanity in the rush to reach our destinations on time.

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