We Demand More Vegan Sugar-Free and No Added Sugar Options!

  • av: Victoria Salter
  • mottagare: Cadbury, Nestle, Vego, Booja Booja, Hotel Chocolat, Holland and Barrett, Guylian, Lindt

I'm diabetic and I love chocolate and sweets. I firmly believe that there needs to be more sugar-free and no added sugar options available, including no added sugar chocolate and sweets. It can seem like everything has added sugar in. All of the yummy chocolates and sweets are advertised everywhere and fill the shops, almost all of which have loads of sugar in them. In a supermarket, there may be like one or two chocolate items that don't have added sugar compared to all of the other hundreds of yummy items that all have added sugar. This is very hard for me. What's even worse is that there is so much vegan, gluten-free, etc, stuff available, but so little sugar-free/no added sugar stuff. I am also going to go vegan soon, and I can already tell that trying to get vegan no added sugar sweets and chocolates is going to be a fucking nightmare. Even Holland and Barrett seem to be out of stock of their no added sugar chocolate buttons, which are really good, and do like maybe one or two other sugar free chocolate options. Even Boots have been out of their no added sugar chocolate the last two times I checked.
With so many millions of people suffering from diabetes and obesity across the world, why are there not more no added sugar options? Just as vegan products have increased massively as from the 2010s, we want the same to happen with the sugar-free/no added sugar market! We want to see as many sugar-free and no added sugar chocolates, sweets, cakes, etc as there are vegan and gluten-free versions of these! After all, diabetics can love chocolate, sweets, cakes, biscuits, etc, just as much as anyone else!

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