The former newspaper print plant, known as PNC has been purchased by a Chinese entity known as BITMAIN. The purchase was brokered through a California company known as Merkle Standard. NO COMMUNITY INPUT HAS BEEN TAKEN. NO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDIES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. The plant is in a residential zone. The county commissioners appear to have given this a rubber stamp of approval.
There are currently numerous class action lawsuits in process in the nation against similar plants due to 1. Violations of noise ordinances 24/7 2. Pollution 3. Consumption of massive amounts of energy
This mining operation is an unknown entity. Final approval from PUD has not been issued yet Merkle Standard has begun marketing this as the nations largest cryptocurrency mine, and many articles found on Cryptocurrency digital magazines give the sense that the mine is already operating.
This is a residential area. Many folks live on the river and in the close vicinity of this plant site. Extensive migratory waterfowl make this area a seasonal home. Fishing, boating, hiking and tourism are all activities enjoyed in this pristine area of Eastern Washington. We do NOT want this plant in our back yard until we are certain it will not negatively impact the quality of our lives. We demand the county NOT issue permits for this operation until an environmental impact statement has been done, and all entities are assured this will not destroy our peaceful neighborhoods.
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