Purina Pro Plan: Stop Holding Your Ultimate Dog Challenge in Denver, Colorado.

  • av: Terri Odom
  • mottagare: Purina Pro Plan Dog Food Company

Denver is a city known worldwide for harsh Breed Specific Legislation and killing thousands of "Pit Bull type" dogs.  By holding their Ultimate Dog Challenge in Denver, Colorado, Pro Plan is supporting a city that doesn't support all breeds!

Dear Purina Pro Plan,

As animal lovers, and dog owners, we are appalled by your decision to hold your Ultimate Dog Challenge in Denver, Colorado.  The city of Denver has killed thousands of "Pit Bull type" dogs since their breed ban was enacted in 2005.
As a brand of dogfood, Pro Plan should not support a city where thousands of dogs have been ripped from their oving homes and destroyed for no other reason than they were born the wrong breed.  As a company who claims to support ALL dogs, the decision to hod your competition in a city known worldwide for their Breed Specific Legislation and their "shoot now, ask questions later" approach toward "Pit Bull type" dogs, was a poor decision, at best.
Please, before hosting your Challenge again, research the city and hold your competition in a city that welcomes ALL breeds!
Thank you, 

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