• av: Joanne Hymes-Dixon
  • mottagare: Monroe County Commissioners, Monroe County Sheriff, Monroe County Animal Control, Monroe County Procecutors Office, Honorable Mark Braunlich and Honroable Michael LaBeau

Four dogs have been ordered to be euthanized by; Honorable Mark S. Braunlich, as well as confirmation of euthanizing in an appeals hearing with; Honorable Michael W. LaBeau, earlier this month. These four dogs have been unjustly ordered to die according to our Michigan Statues by both of these judges.

All four adult Boxers and five puppies were secure in their homes while their owner was away. Two people who were not invited into the home (one being an acquaintance of owners son and both being told to not enter the home) attempted to enter the premisses without permission while no one was home. One of the two people on the property was attacked by three out of the four adult dogs. All four adult dogs and puppies were seized by Monroe County Animal Control and were ordered to be euthanized in a court hearing. The owner who was not home at the time of the incident is also being charged with four felony counts of owning dangerous dogs. The court hearing for the owners felony charges start in January 2013. In the mean time, the four boxers case went into an appeals hearing, that was lost earlier this month. Now all four of these dogs have been ordered to be euthanized and deemed dangerous for protecting their home and property. The owner of these animals has lost his home, his job, because he could not travel out of state for work, and now he is losing his dogs. He also lost his puppies because he was unable to pay the outrageous boarding fees that were attached to their release by Animal Control and the County of Monroe, Michigan's Prosecutors office.

This court case could change our rights as animal owners and protecting our property and our homes. This is also opening the door to being sued by intruders for our dogs protecting us, our homes and our belongs.

Michigan Statue states the following:

Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated. Chapter 287. Animal Industry. Dangerous Animals.

Statute Details
Printable Version
Citation: M. C. L. A. 287.321 - 323

Citation: MI ST 287.321 - 323

Last Checked by Web Center Staff: 11/2011

Summary: This Michigan statute defines "dangerous animal," which means a dog or other animal that bites or attacks a person, or a dog that bites or attacks and causes serious injury or death to another dog while the other dog is on the property or under the control of its owner. HOWEVER, A DANGEROUS ANIMAL DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: AN ANIMAL THAT BITES OR ATTACKS A PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY TRESPASSING ON THE PROPERTY OF THE ANIMAL'S OWNER; an animal that bites or attacks a person who provokes or torments the animal; or an animal that is responding in a manner that an ordinary and reasonable person would conclude was designed to protect a person if that person is engaged in a lawful activity or is the subject of an assault.

These four dogs were protected under this Michigan Law yet they are still being order to be euthanized, despite the fact trespassers to the property. Please release these dogs since they should not be considered dangerous in accordance to our Michigan Statue.

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