Stop Craigs list from suppling "bait" animals for dog fighters

Craig's List has become an endless source for animals that dog fighters use as "bait" to train the dogs to fight and kill. If you care about saving the innocent lives of puppies, kittens, rabbits, horses, chickens, and All animals, PLEASE sign this petition to ban Craig's List from listing "free" animals, "animals for sale" And any other type of animals ads! Most of the animals listed end up tortured and abused by dog fighters. The supply must end to stop the demand!

Your signiture could be the one that makes a difference and saves hundres of lives. You are a defender of the defenseless and you are helping myself and all of the other animal lovers of the world in an effort to end torture and abuse of the ones who have no choice about what sick twisted, cruel and heartless abusers do with them once they get a hold of them. Most people are unaware that when they put an add on Craig's list to "get rid" of their unplanned, unwanted, or animals they have'nt been able to sell due to over breeding that they list as "FREE" end up dying a horrible, torturous death as bait animals used to train and "build confidence" for the dogs they fight. The animals are literally torn apart by the bigger, stronger dogs that have been trained to kill. It's not even the dogs that are to blame for the abuse, it is the sick people that see dog fighting as a source for "easy" money, or a sport. It has got to stop! Every little bit helps, if the supply ends for the demand, little by little things WILL CHANGE - THE ABUSE WILL END! Thank you for your signiture today, and please spread the word! YOU are making a difference!

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