The person who directly killed the dogs was given a very "light" sentence that is no jail time, $1500 fine, 200 hour community work, and prohibition on firearms. He can still own animals. So we will be starting a new petition to Boycott Sled Dog Tourism and Racing
Snow Sledding NOT Dog Sledding! Boycott Whistler! Petition
Lifeforce’s new petition is to stop the inhumane tourism and racing sled dog industry. We are urging outdoor adventure companies to replace dogs with snow mobiles/ATVs. The recent court decision shows that dogs are not and will not be protected. In this day and age we must use modern technology NOT exploited sentient dogs.
Whistler Sled Dog Massacre: Only One Criminal Charge?
1. In April 2010, there was a reported slaughter of 100 dogs by Bob Fawcett who was working with Outdoor Adventures. The murders were discovered when he tried to get government compensation for distress. The board case manager reported that 100 dogs were put down "due to a slow winter season."
Description of 2 the day massacre:
A government document details how the general manager of a financially strapped sled dog touring company killed as many as 100 of his dogs: had to perform what he described as execution-style killings, where he wrestled the dogs to the ground and stood on them with one foot to shoot them. … he grazed an uncooperative male, taking off part of its head. … had to kill the dog with his knife, by slitting its throat while the dog was on top of him. … his memory of the final 15 dogs is fuzzy. … in some cases, it was easier to get behind the dogs and slit their throats and let them bleed out.
It was the vivid descriptions provided by the manager Bob Fawcett that had pushed people over the edge. The dogs were experiencing anxiety and stress from observing the euthanasia of other members of the pack and were panicking. … He had to chase Suzie through the yard because the horrific noise she made when wounded caused him to drop her leash. … Although she had the left side of her cheek blown off and her eye hanging out, he was unable to catch her. … Poker was covered in blood from a neck wound and covered in his own feces. … The dogs were so panicked they were biting him. … a guttural sound he had never heard before from the dogs and fear in their eyes.
Later, the SPCA exhumes 52 bodies.
2. BC Government forms a Task Force. BC Minister of Environment, Terry Lakes, misinforms attendees that the horrific killings were an aberration. It was proven that the abuses are inherent in sled dog tourism and racing. Prior to the meeting, he denied Lifeforce request for a moment of silence for sled dogs. No true respect for the abused dogs.
Some of the recommendations attempt to legitimize the historically abusive sled dog industries. From the beginning of the Task Force the head, Terry Lake, BC Minister of the Environment, adamantly supported and defended the dog sled industries. The history of the sled dog industries reveals that the reported inhumane slaughter in Whistler, BC was not an aberration. It is inherent in the sled dog racing and tourism industries. The Task Force heard that there have been many, many cruelty investigations and charges laid in Canada. Terry Lake repeatedly mislead people the Round Table that all committee participants agreed was an aberration > I corrected him.
3. Lifeforce releases our report, ““The Case Against Sled Dog Industriesâ€Â http://lifeforcefoundation.org/newsitem.php?id=135
4. BC Government forms the Professional Musher Association of BC to protect mushers not the dogs! The government formed a Professional Mushers Association of BC and now released a useless Code of Conduct that will be hard to enforce! And the Code still permits chaining on 5’ chains that cause physical and psychological abuses. It even gives instructions as to how to use gunshot for killing dogs in spite of the “Whistler 100 Sled Dogsâ€Â shootings resulting in barbaric, long term suffering.
5. Outdoor Adventures owner, Joey Houssian, claims he donated all “assetsâ€Â such as 153 dogs, property and business to a newly formed “not-for-profitâ€Â Sled Dog Foundation. However, they immediately formed the Whistler Sled Dog Company. Former task force chair Terry Lake said he was pleased to hear about the operation and how it will be a "centre for excellence." Sled Dog Abuse Business As Usual!
6. After bias information input by the Proffessional Musher Association the BC Government released a Code of Conduct that still permits 24/7 chaining, shooting and other physical and psychological suffering. Sled Dog Abuse Business As Usual!
7. Lifeforce starts petition to Stop Whistler Sled Dog businesses:
In Whistler there are three dog sledding companies. Some of them operate other non-animal activities too.
We the under sign do not support dog sled tourism and racing. We will not do any business with the following companies and their associates:
The Whistler Sled Dog Co. (Formerly Outdoor Adventures > mailto:info@adventureswhistler.com?subject=Inquiry%20from%20OAW%20Webiste) who also owns a booking agency The Adventure Group >
http://www.whistlersleddogco.com/ > info@whistlersleddogco.com
Canadian 01
http://www.canadian01.com/ > adventuredesk@canadiansnowmobile.com
Blackcomb Adventures
http://www.blackcombdogsled.com/ > info@blackcombadventures.com
Stop the Whistler Sled Dog Cruelty Industry! Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Whistler-Sled-Dog-Cruelty-Industry/237793416299804
Lifeforce’s new petition is to stop the inhumane tourism and racing sled dog industry. We are urging outdoor adventure companies to replace dogs with snow mobiles/ATVs. The recent court decision shows that dogs are not and will not be protected. Abuses are inherent in this industry. In this day and age we must use modern technology NOT exploited sentient dogs.
Please sign and share to stop the sled dog abuses.
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