This High-Rise Factory Farm Will Slaughter 1 Million Pigs Each Year

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
A corporation in China recently unveiled a chilling new 26-story-tall skyscraper building... all dedicated to slaughtering 1.2 million pigs per year.

This is horrifying and we must demand the Chinese government intervene now to stop this!

Not only are factory farms notoriously cruel, treating sentient beings as though they are nothing more than items to be sadistically brutalized, but they are also bad for human health. Multiple infectious disease experts have spoken out against this massive facility, explaining it could contribute to huge disease outbreaks.

According to Dirk Pfeiffer, from City University of Hong Kong: "The higher the density of animals, the higher the risk of infectious pathogen spread and amplification, as well as potential for mutation."

On top of that, animal agriculture is deeply intertwined with worsening climate change. The more we increase meat production, the worse for the Earth. Facilities like that just take us 10 steps backwards!

Back in 2019, China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs released a policy that permitted corporations to build high-rise, high-density facilities for breeding and slaughtering animals.

We must urge this government agency to reverse course in order to save animals from horrific suffering, humans from more pandemics, and the Earth from climate crisis. Sign the petition now!
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