Justice for Wildlife in Kenya
Kenya has made significant progress in combating wildlife crime but the country continues to play a major role in the transiting of wildlife products particularly ivory, rhino horn, timber and pangolin scales. We the undersigned, call for the following actions
1. We urge the Director General Kenya Wildlife Service to strictly enforce rules against grazing in national parks, and to classify pangolins as endangered species.
2. We urge the Director of Public Prosecutions to paralyse operations of charged and convicted wildlife offenders by freezing their bank accounts and seizing their personal assets.
3. We ask the Inspector General of Police, to elevate classification of wildlife offences from ‘petty‘ to ‘serious‘ offences, and arrest Kenyans Nicholas & Samuel Jefwa who are wanted by Interpol for ivory trafficking.
4. We call on KWS to ensure that Human Wildlife Conflict is addressed as a priority in Vision 2030 Mid Term Planning exercise, and the County integrated Development planning process.
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