Don't Raise Taxes on the Poor and Middle Class

  • av: AJ M.
  • mottagare: US Congress
You wouldn't know it if you watched Fox News or listened to politicians like Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell, but not everyone want's to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy. Including some of the world's wealthiest people.

Earlier this month, 400 of America's richest wrote a letter to Congress demanding that they raise, not lower their tax burden. The letter reads - in part - "We are high net worth individuals, many in the top 1%, who care deeply about our nation and its people, and we write with a simple request: Do not cut our taxes."

Republicans and the president are attempting to transfer trillions of dollars from the poor into the hands of the 1% and multibillion dollar corporations who are already flush with cash. By doing so they propose gutting the personal mandate, cutting the corporate tax rate and using smoke and mirrors to fool the rest of the public into believing these tax cuts are good policy.

These regressive tax policies are dangerous and will instill a permanent dynastic class in America leaving the rest of us picking up the scraps. We cannot allow congress to destroy the American dream with their twisted version of tax reform.

Join 400 of America's wealthiest who care about America's future, and tell Congress that tax cuts for the rich while leaving the rest of us in the cold is not why we sent them to Washington. Sign and tell them to end their current push for regressive tax reform.
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