Trapped Orcas - Inukjuak Quebec

  • av: Cee4life
  • mottagare: Candian Coastguard, Quebec Embassy

To save the lives of a dozen Orca's trapped in Sea Ice and activate the Icebreakers in the area of Inukjuak, Quebec - Twitter harsh tag #SaveQuebecWhales

The point of this petition is to support and urge the authorities in and around the area of Inukjuak, Quebec to work together and save the lives of approximaely 1 dozen killer Orca's that have become trapped in the sea ice.

We humbly ask that you activate any and all help needed to free these Orcas and join together as the world watches the battle for them to stay alive.

Urgent aid is needed on the ground prior to any Icebreakers that can possibly get through, to keep the air holes open for breathing.

This may seem impossible, but it is only so if we say it is impossible.

Please aid these magnificient animals in their darkest hours.

This small kindness is a great act of humanity


To Whom It May Concern

The point of this petition is to support and urge the authorities in and around the area of Inukjuak, Quebec to work together and save the lives of approximaely 1 dozen killer Orca's that have become trapped in the sea ice.

We humbly ask that you activate any and all help needed to free these Orcas and join together as the world watches the battle for them to stay alive.

Urgent aid is needed on the ground prior to any Icebreakers that can possibly get through, to keep the air holes open for breathing.

This may seem impossible, but it is only so if we say it is impossible.

Please aid these magnificient animals in their darkest hours.

This small kindness is a great act of humanity

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