Add Great White Sharks to the Endangered Species List!

Environmental groups filed petitions with the federal government to protect the great white sharks under the Endangered Species Act. Current research suggests that as few as 350 of the iconic sharks exist off the coasts of the U.S. and Mexico. Accidental catches, illegal fishing and accumulation of contaminants have been threatening their survival.

Despite their prevalence in pop culture, little is known about the sharks, and scientists have not yet observed them mating or giving birth. Endangered species protections could increase scientists' interest in them, leading to further research and understanding.

The federal government has decided to examine whether to protect the West Coast population of great white sharks, and the decision making process should take about a year. Please sign the petition to support adding great white sharks to the endangered species list!

To: The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service

We, the undersigned, are pleased that you are considering whether to protect the West Coast population of great white sharks. As you know, current research suggests that as few as 350 of the sharks exist off the coasts of the U.S. and Mexico. Accidental catches, illegal fishing and accumulation of contaminants have been threatening their survival.

Despite their prevalence in pop culture, little is known about the sharks, and scientists have not yet observed them mating or giving birth. Endangered species protections could increase scientists' interest in them, leading to further research and understanding.

We believe that great white sharks are an interesting and iconic species that deserves protection under the Endangered Species Act, and we respectfully urge you to choose to offer these protections. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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