SHUT DOWN Big Cat Sanctuary / Investigate Carol Baskin

Before Tiger King ever aired, Carol Baskin's questionable animal care and financial practices concerned many who visited her so called sanctuary. Carol brings in over a million dollars a year in revenue from merchandise, donations, park admission, and Facebook/YouTube checks. Yet, most of her money goes undeclared to the IRS, she doesn't pay any of her staff, and her exhibits have never been upgraded. The exhibits are not only unsuitable for the animals she keeps but are unsafe for any visitors on the property. Carol may have people in her pocket financially, but she can't possibly pay off everyone. Her sanctuary needs to be investigated by an unbiased FDA inspector, her tax records need to be audited and released, as well as her bank records, and she must be forced to improve the living conditions for her animals or for the sake of the animals in her care she should be shut down.

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