A 19 Mile Square area around Tavsanli South Eastern Turkey 10,000 dogs clinging to life .
Dogs are starving , puppies are being born around decomposing corpses.
Starving dogs are eating the puppies with no help or solution.
Only 1 man Necdet Demirat is trying to help.
Please sign and call on the Turkish Government to Assist in their legal duty.
Uppdatera #57 år sedan
Network for dogs has brought this to the attention of the UK and America.
Please check out there website and video .
Please add Necdet Demirat on your Facebook page.
Please keep signing and sharing.
Uppdatera #47 år sedan
1 man ALONE striving on to feed the Dogs that Turkey has forgot.
DEATH,Starvation , no place of comfort or shelter.
PLEASE PLEASE keep signing we need to make Turkey sit up and notice.
Uppdatera #37 år sedan
God Bless everyone who has managed to put their signature to this crucial petition.
Time is of the essence for these destitute dogs and puppies.
PLEASE take the time to add your signature.
Uppdatera #27 år sedan
Saturday today WE are gaining momentum.
THANK YOU to everyone for signing and sharing.
PLEASE keep going these dogs desperately need your voice.
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
In 24 hours we have received 1360 signatures from Impassioned Care 2 supporters.
Thank you for your response.
Please, Please ,Please keep sharing & signing for The Lost Dogs of Tavsanli in South Eastern Turkey.