Tell Swiss Zoo, Tierpark Dählhölzli, Stop Killing Healthy Baby Animals

  • av: Nikki Lowe
  • mottagare: Tierpark Dählhölzli Zoo Management

A Swiss Zoo, the Tierpark Dahlholzli in Bern, has euthanized a healthy bear cub because, it says, this will prevent it from being killed by its father.

There were many other options the zoo could have tried instead, from finding another zoo to take the bear cub to placing him in a separate enclosure. It is disgraceful that zoo authorities simply went ahead and had the baby bear euthanised. Let the zoo know you don't agree with its decision to euthanise a healthy young animal or any other healthy animals.

You can also email the zoo at and on Facebook at Tierpark Dahlholzli. Tell the Tierpark Dahlholzli how angry you are about the decision to kill the bear cub and demand that the zoo's authorities reassess its breeding policies and procedures. There is no reason to kill healthy animals.

Don't go to the zoo!!! Stop the killings NOW!!

Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Thank you for your message. We understand your concern. We assure you, that we sincerely evaluated in advance the whole situation very carefully with expert biologists.
Most of your questions are addressed in our answering file on our website:
Yours Sincerely,
Tierpark Dählhölzli
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thank you for signing People, this petition has grown larger than I ever imagined. We are so close to 85000 signatures - please keep sharing and keep signing!! We demand an explanation, we demand an apology, we demand a promise of no more killings, we demand this zoo will do everything in it's power to rehome/rehouse healthy animals. We demand a kinder world for all animals and we demand this happens now!!! NO MORE KILLINGS in Zoos!!!
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