Call for a primary challenge to Senator Sinema!

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema is ostensibly a Democrat, but she has been a constant obstructor to a progressive agenda since her party took power last year. Now, she has taken things MUCH too far. With Republicans trampling voting rights in every state they control, even going so far as to allow partisan actors to overturn election results they don't like, Sinema has said she will allow the Republican minority to block Democrats' plans to protect democracy.


Add your name to call for a Primary challenger to face off against Sen. Sinema in 2024!

It's clear that Sinema no longer represents her constituents — the other AZ Senator, Mark Kelly, held strong to his progressive values and supported Biden's plans, while Sinema is likely in the pockets of lobbyists against the legislation that would monumentally benefit the American people. 

The revolt against Sinema within her own party is growing so strong that there's already a PAC that's working to build the ground floor for her future opponent. The support is there, now we just need the candidate.

Sign now to say you'll support a progressive opponent running against Sen. Sinema in her next primary race!

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