Stop letting Trump delay his trials. Hold them ASAP

Donald Trump and his attorneys are once again doing whatever they can to keep his trials from moving forward.  They are filing all kinds of frivolous motions in an effort to run out the clock. 

Don't let Trump get away with this any longer. Tell the Trump judges to reject the Trump tactics, and hold the trials as soon as possible.

Trump's strategy is clear — delay justice until he can win the presidency and pardon himself, or even just ignore the courts altogether.

Trump needs to be punished for his crimes, and he needs to go to jail as soon as possible. America can't afford to sit back waiting and watching while Trump becomes a dictator. Sign the petition, and urge the judges in the various cases to recognize the threat, and move as quickly as possible.

Don't let Trump delay his trials. Hold them as soon as possible.

Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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