Make Cowhide Curve Safe

On October 4th at approximately 1:30PM, the dangers of this curve took the lives of two of my family members. One being my grandmother who loved Jesus, her family, and Dr Pepper more than anything else. One being my cousin who had just had all of her dreams come true by finally becoming a mother. Their lives were cut short due to the dangers of this sharp curve.
My concern is that this curve is too sharp, the speed limit is too fast, and the hills are too steep. Since we can't lower the hills and straighten the roads, why not reduce the speed? A lower speed limit and signs indicating a dangerous curve before the curve on both sides could greatly reduce the risk of this happening to another family's loved ones. Since this horrific incident that took the lives of our loved ones there have been multiple semi trucks lose their load in this curve. Not only would this be safer for all drivers but it would be more lucrative for these hardworking truck drivers to be able to complete their loads without complication.
Let's make a change to save the lives of those traveling Highway 27.

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