FOWL PLAY: My chickens were falsely accused of impersonating someone else. We seek justice!

  • av: Emily Muir
  • mottagare: Mark Zuckerberg - Instagram / Facebook Inc.

On the 29 December I woke to discover my instagram account - Ourchickenadventures - had vanished without warning or reason.

At first I didn't know what had happened. My phone simply says, "No User Exists". However when we attempted to log in on my husband's phone there was a pop-up saying that the account had been disabled for impersonating someone else.

This is an account I have built from scratch over 2.5 years consisting of original content of our beautiful and beloved pet chickens. Before my account was disabled, I had almost reached 25K followers, a milestone which is respresentative of the joy that chickens can bring.  I have developed a reputation in the poultry community as someone to turn to when they needed poultry keeping advice. I advocate for poultry welfare and wellbeing.

Through my account, I have been featured on Australasian Poultry Magazine, and have become a brand ambassador for Green Valley Grains and Vetsense Poultry. 

Unfortunately my appeals have gone unanswered.

I do not believe a human person working at Instagram support has even set eyes on my account and certainly no valid investigation has occurred in it's removal. 

Leaving aside the fact I can prove my identity with my personal identification,  I also have years of original content and many followers who could vouch for my authenticity.

This is an error or oversight by Instagram. I am appealing for Instagram to right this wrong and to reunite my chickens with their chicken-loving fans and loyal community.

Instragram, please reinstate @ourchickenadventures.

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