Stop killing endangered animals and all wolves

Im writing this on behaf of wolves and animals but the unkindness of wolves being shot for no reason, It breaks my heart to hear that happing what did they do to us beside be animals do know they where here before us and now they are shot and killed thats not fair they should have rights as well as we do. THey are NOT killers they are mother natures children and im no mother but say it was the outher way around and we were hunted and shot for no reason im not talking in war nor violence  im talking about putting us in there paws and see there world. I may of got carryed away there but i was 5 and had a wolf dog and her mother I also had 3 outher brothers that are younger than i am and outher dogs that were not wolf they never once hurt them nor anyone elce they are loving creatures and i want to see them alive before they are

extinct! they already endangered.all i ask you for is a signature and a prayer for justice!  Thank you for your time and help Love Hilary Petrella
Please help my words and outher people save our wolves help give them a right to live, help show them wolves are not a threet  there liveing creatures there mother natures children There getting killed for nothing and its not fair they have a right and if they could speak they say the same but all i ask please help them find peace without having to be hunted nor hurt safe from harm and back in mother natures arms.
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