A&E Is Supporting Animal Cruelty With American Hoggers and Duck Dynasty Programming

  • av: Rigel LeNart
  • mottagare: Disney-ABC Television and Hearst Corporation

A&E Channel is Producing, Promoting, and Airing intentional acts of Animal Cruelty. A&E is choosing to host programming that blatantly depicts Animal Cruelty by financially Producing, Promoting, and Airing the following series:

'American Hoggers' 

'Duck Dynasty'

Both series are based on the Severe Mental and Physical Cruelty leading to the ultimate Death of Animals or Waterfowl in a heinous and unnatural manner.

Make the statement to all Media outlets that Producing, Promoting, and Airing any Act of Cruelty or promoting a Positive Ideal of an Act that ultimately leads to the Cruelty and/or Death towards any Animal, Bird or Species is unacceptable behavior.

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