Censure Trump for Trashing the U.S. at the Side of Brutal Dictator Putin

On July 16, 2018 the President of the United States stood overseas at the side of a murderous dictator of a hostile foreign power and trashed America's leaders, intelligence community, and institutions.

This disgraceful chapter in American history is made worse by the silence of the Congress' majority Republicans, giving tacit approval to what many view as outright treason.

We call on the United States Congress to take action against the President's anti-American stance. This is not a political game. It is a dangerous position that cedes American interests to a brutal regime, and our elected officials must fight back.

It's been less than two years since Vladimir Putin's Russia launched a well-documented attack on U.S. elections, and even with the volumes of evidence that Trump benefited from the interference and possibly coordinated with it, the President unabashedly took Putin's side over his own intelligence community and appointees.

Understanding the reasons Trump would sell out his own country to Putin — whether it is blackmail, a business relationship, or something else entirely — is important. But job number one is putting a stop to this dangerous relationship and, with Trump clearly aligning himself Russia over the United States, that job falls to Congress.

Add your name to demand Congress censure Trump for choosing Russian interests over the United States' — before it's too late.

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